2007년 10월 17일 수요일

Open API & Web crawler

Open API (often referred to as OpenAPI) is a word used to describe sets of technologies that enable websites to interact with each other by using SOAP, Javascript any other web technology. Web crawler is using of portal site which operate Web search engines on Internet. Open API make a new way to develop new application service free from acommunications network structure and technology.
On my opinion, web crawler is a adouble-edged sword. Certainly it is a convenient. Web crawler move loot of computer programing in advance, find a new information constantly, put it to find another information, intergrate that and add new index. Simplify said that user enter the few information to Internet web site, it show lot of information of that automatically and suiting he's fancy. It's useful. It save a person doing. But it have a weak point before i said. This system make to do a unnecessariness things like checking a information i didn't want. Of cause, computer naver know that. It interrupt user's sight which find a news he want and push up his work level. It lead to be caught[locked] in avicious circle. In case of web crawler we know, if we didn't consider application of open API carefully, it give pain to us. open API lead to do developing lots of application programs. Unfortunately no one can standhigh above this program. I'm sure that couldn't count of too many people put in lot's of there time and there talent to develop new program but they didn't make a perfect program. I think something miss on that.
Recently world pay attention to Clone tecnology. But simply think about this. New person who is born with Clone technology and the man are same people? no! Human have a his own individuality. Other people didn;t know this individuality if he tell nothing. It is a impossible thing to know other 100% if you know his individuality. Other's individuality is changeing each time. In This situation that people to people didn't know each other correctly, they want to find a great program that it can full of your demand. This is a wild dream. Of course it's not mean that our development arrived a boundry. After these days, many application program appearance infront of us. However, the most important thing is having the problem and that's not simple problem. Generally human always meet there limit. But somedays we should break this limit. You should be recognize the time is come. We meet a limit.
We need some other thing to turn point of our system or completely forget all our thing and restart. The limit here we said like a frame of space and time(called 4-dimentional) on mathmatics. In math, be not clear mean of frame of space and time. Just expectation. The time what Not enough to full of person to person each other, Computer couldn't full of our demand. It's my opinion. We need to going close to goal slowly and take off the problem.
In other sight, open API have a unlimited possibility come to that...I thought.

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