The topic was 'what are new media's second lecture, and the subsidiary theme was non-technical and inclusive.
First, inclusive media was compared with exclusive media. Two have been expending new media. They have been going to "digitalize". Maybe it looks like having an effect on soongsil's main theme,digital brain.
Dick Higgins claimed pure medium was going to intermedium. Besides, it enlarged new media. Originally, in old times, it was widely liked 'catagorized' and 'compartment', and it related with feudel. However, it have been changed. Every media is going new media. Any trifling thing is being related with new media.
Denotation and connotation was compared. It's on Semiotics. However, it's not just related with Semiotics. There're so many things on media. There's not any things just denotation on media. Today, we have to take cognizance of many connotations on media. It's new media, I thought.